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治験・臨床試験 血小板 動脈硬化 高脂血症 血栓症 出血性素因 抗血栓薬




  1. ●血小板機能発現における細胞間及び細胞内シグナリング
  2. ●動脈硬化性疾患・血栓症の病態解析及び予防と治療
  3. ●血小板機能異常症の分子病態の解析
  4. ●抗血栓薬の臨床薬理
  5. ●臨床試験、治験



●抗血栓薬の基礎的研究および臨床的研究          ●抗血小板薬の開発研究支援


●再表2004/082694 細胞治療用材料、及び血管内治療方法


●医療分野(医療機器、医薬品)               ●食品業界
●健康食品                        ●特保食品


●血小板凝集計(吸光度法)                 ●散乱光による血小板凝集計
●cone-plate型ずり応力惹起血小板凝集計          ●全血血小板凝集計(インピーダンス法)Multiplate(R)
●全血血小板凝集計(マイクリメッシュフィルター法)     ●全血血小板凝集計(VerifyNow(R))
●血小板放出能測定装置                  ●FACS


●日本内科学会(認定医、指導医)             ●日本血液学会(代議員、認定専門医、指導医)
●日本血栓止血学会(評議員)              ●日本薬理学会(評議員)




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●Nishikawa M. and Hidaka H.: The role of calmodulin in platelet aggregation; structure-activity relationship of calmodulin antagonists. J.Clin.Invest. 69; 1348-1355, 1982.
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●Nishikawa M., Sellers J.R.,Adelstein R.S. and Hidaka H.: Protein kinase C modulates the phosphorylation of the smooth muscle heavy meromyosin by myosin light chain kinase. J.Biol.Chem. 259; 8808-8814, 1984.
●Nishikawa M., Komada F., Uemura Y., Hidaka H. and Shirakawa S.; Decreased expression of type II protein kinase C in HL-60 variant cells resistant to induction of cell differentiation by phorbol diester. Cancer Res. 50; 621-626, 1990.
●Katayama N., Nishikawa M., Komada F., Minami N. and Shirakawa S.: A role for calmodulin in the growth of human hematopoietic progenitor cells. Blood. 75: 1446-1454, 1990.
●Nishikawa M., Omay S.B., Toyoda H., Tawara I., Shima H., Nagao M., Hemmings B.A., Mumby M.C. and Deguchi K.; Expression of the catalytic and regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase type 2A may be differentially modulated during retinoic acid-induced granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells. Cancer Res., 54; 4879-4884, 1994.
●Omay S.B., Nakai K., Kuno T., Shiku H. and Nishikawa M.;1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced up-regulation of calcineurin during leukemic
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●Suzuki Y, Yamamoto M, Wada H, Ito M, Nakano T, Sasaki Y, Narumiya S, Shiku H and Nishikawa M.: Agonist-induced regulation of myosin phosphatase activity in human platelets through activation of Rho-kinase. Blood. 93: 3408-3417, 1999.
●Watanabe Y, Ito M, Kataoka Y, Wada H, Koyama M, Feng J, Shiku H, and Nishikawa M. : Protein kinase C-catalyzed phosphorylation of an inhibitory phosphoprotein of myosin phosphatase, is involved in human platelet secretion.  Blood. 97: 3798-3805, 2001.
●Kanemitsu S, Nishikawa M, Onoda K, Shimono T, Shimpo H, Yazaki A, Tanaka K, Shiku H, and Yada I. : Pharmacological Platelet Anesthesia by GPIIb/IIIa Antagonist and Argatroban during In Vitro Extracorporeal circulation . J. Thorc. Cardiovasc. Surg. 126: 428-435, 2003.
●Sase T, Wada H, Yamaguchi M, Ogawa S, Kamikura Y, Nishikawa M, Kaneko T, Abe Y, Nishioka J, Nobori T, Shiku H. : Haemostatic abnormalities and thrombotic disorders in malignant lymphoma. Thromb Haemost. 93: 153-159, 2005.
●Kajimoto M, Shimono T, Hirano K, Miyake Y, Sawada Y, Kato N, Hirata H, Imanaka-Yoshida K, Nishikawa M, Yoshida T, Shimpo H, Horiuchi T, Miyamoto K.: Development of a new method for endovascular aortic repair: combination therapy of cell transplantation and stent grafts with a drug delivery system. Circulation. 114(1 Suppl): I378-83, 2006.
●Kitano S, Kageyama S, Nagata Y, Miyahara Y, Hiasa A, Naota H, Okumura S, Imai H, Shiraishi T, Masuya M, Nishikawa M, Sunamoto J, Akiyoshi K, Kanematsu T, Scott AM, Murphy R, Hoffman EW, Old LJ, Shiku H.: HER2-specific T-cell immune responses in patients vaccinated with truncated HER2 protein complexed with nanogels of cholesteryl pullulan. Clin Cancer Res. 12: 7397-405, 2006.
●Tamaru S, Kenji Kitajima K, Nakano T, Eto K, Yazaki A, Kobayashi T, Matsumoto T, Wada H, Katayama N and Nishikawa M.: Calyculin A retraction of mature megakaryocytes proplatelets from embryonic stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 366: 763-768, 2008.


●NPO総会みえ治験医療ネット 常務理事 詳細資料1 詳細資料2 詳細資料3 詳細資料4
●附属病院臨床研究開発センター センター長
